Done with Clomid… (for now)

I took my last clomid last night.

The emotional side effects weren’t as bad as I was afraid of, but the pysical were more than I was expecting.  I’ve heard that the side effects get worse with each clomid cycle.  I wanted to record my side effects so that I can review before next time if this cycle doesn’t end well.

Side Effects

  • headaches – almost migraines.  One one side and radiating down my face.
  • Trouble sleeping.  I toss and turn all night.  It makes me so exhausted, but I still can’t sleep.
  • Bloating
  • Ute pain
  • nausea (hard to distinguish from the normal metformin, but the bloating seems to make it worse.
  • some excessive crying and rage, but not as bad as I thought it might be.

I was hoping that the clomid would help me ovulate at a more reasonable time, but unfortunately, my OPK is already getting a bit dark at CD8.  I was really hoping to hold out and not get a +OPK until CD11, but I don’t think I’ll make it.  I’m hoping it’s not tonight or tomorrow morning, but who knows.  My RE said last cycle that CD10 (when I ovulated) was too early for a mature egg.  I don’t know what we will do if it happens again.  Will we still get to do the IUI?  Will we need different drugs next cycle?  I don’t even know if there is anything short of a full injectable cycle that could help with that, and I’m not even sure on that.  I hate this.

7 thoughts on “Done with Clomid… (for now)

    • Yes, I was on Femara 3.5 years ago when we conceived my oldest. Unfortunately it’s not safe for breastfeeding. It has a much longer half-life than clomid and I wouldn’t be able to nurse for 15 days, rather than the 6-12 hours recommended for clomid.

  1. I had some pretty horrible side effects with Clomid, and no results unfortunately. I keep hearing Femara is a much better option. Good luck to you. Sending a prayer your way.

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